Recommended Resources

The following are resources used and recommended by Pastor Ben.

Biblical Literacy

Biblical Living


Spiritual Growth

The following are resources used in our current sermon series and Sunday School classes. For more on Sunday School, click here.

The Armor of God
The Letter to the Ephesians (Pillar NT Commentary)  by Peter O'Brien
Ephesians (Preaching the Word Commentary) by R. Kent Hughes
The Message of Ephesians (The Bible Speaks Today Commentary) by John Stott
Practice Resurrection: A Conversation on Growing Up in Christ by Eugene Peterson
The Whole Armor of God by Iaian Duguid
Perfectly Suited: The Armor of God for the Anxious Mind by J.D. Peabody

The Gospel Coalition on Acts

Unity in the Church
Church Undivided by Bob Ingle
Unity and Diversity (Capitol Hill Baptist Church Core Seminar)